Giving to Future leaders
Our club sponsors yearly scholarships for all three of our local high schools. Scholarship chairperson, Jerry Shipman, partners with our Albany Public Scholarship Foundation to collect applicant packets each year. Candidates must have their packets into the foundation no later than His leadership team reviews these applicants and determines who from each school listed below will receive our annual East Albany Lions Club or Jack Haines Memorial Scholarship. Each student will receive $2,000 scholarship towards their college education as the Foundation will transfer money to their elected college.
2025 Scholarship Recipients
East Albany Lions Memorial Scholarship
Albany Options: TBD, May 2025
South Albany: TBD, May 2025
West Albany: TBD, May 2025
East Albany Lions/Dean Butts Memorial Scholarship
South Albany: TBD, May 2025
West Albany: TBD, May 2025
2022 Scholarship Recipients
East Albany Lions Memorial Scholarship
West Albany: Claire Hoffman
Funding that year only allowed one scholarship to be awarded.​
2024 Scholarship Recipients
East Albany Lions Memorial Scholarship
Albany Options: Madison McClintock
South Albany: Abigail Halliwell
West Albany: Moriah Winn
East Albany Lions/Dean Butts Memorial Scholarship
South Albany: Riah Hewes
West Albany: Catherine Bussard
2021 Scholarship Recipients
East Albany Lions Memorial Scholarship
No Awardees
Funding shortages that year due to covid impact on fund raising events.
2023 Scholarship Recipients
East Albany Lions Memorial Scholarship
Albany Options: Jonathan Sullivan
South Albany: Savannah Heinen
West Albany: Claire Hoffman​
2020 Scholarship Recipients
East Albany Lions Memorial Scholarship
South Albany: Grace Lawson
West Albany: Claire Hoffman​